What the Movie “Knives Out” Teaches Us About Money

There are millions of people in the world who would describe their relationship with money as “complicated.” Maybe it’s the belief that more money would make them happier, so they struggle with workaholism. Or they were taught that being rich leads to greed, so they spend their money as soon as they earn it. Perhaps they avoid looking at their bank statements because it causes them distress or shame to see the growing debt. All of these reactions are valid and become the focus of money healing work offered through Financial Therapy.

So where does the movie “Knives Out” come in? For someone who’s ready to explore their relationship with money, I encourage them to notice what shows up as they witness each character’s relationship with money in the movie. Is there a character you relate to? Does their behavior cause an emotional reaction in you? Notice any thoughts, feelings or judgements that come up.


“Knives Out” captures several money disorders in action. There are ten money disorders identified within Financial Therapy so far and these characters represent the emotional toll of disordered behaviors with money. Behaviors many of us want to heal and change in ourselves. So grab your popcorn and get ready to look at “Knives Out” from a whole new perspective by revisiting the characters below.


Are you similar to Marta Cabrera, the main character who finds herself the recipient of a large inheritance in addition to sudden grief and loss. Marta is a caregiver who suffers from Noble Poverty, the phenomenon that one must sacrifice their own financial stability in the name of helping others. The inheritance initially causes her distress and triggers questions about her worth until she shifts to seeing it as an opportunity to help her loved ones.


How do you see Ransom Drysdale, the antagonist in the story? Ransom’s expectation is that he is one of the rightful owners of the family fortune and should remain such, which causes him to threaten violence and be manipulative to get his way. His grandfather Harlan Thromby’s decision to bequest his fortune to his caregiver Marta instead of the family, infuriates Ransom. Ransom demonstrates Financial Denial about the changing circumstances of his spending due to his grandfather’s decision, which threatens the lifestyle Ransom has come to expect with his grandfather as his benefactor for years.


Maybe you recognize the behaviors of Linda Drysdale, mother to Ransom and daughter to Harlan, the benefactor in this story. Linda is a Financial Enabler, believing Ransom and the other family members deserve their inheritance based on blood relations and the commitment they’ve maintained to Harlan over the years. Because of this belief, she attempts to convince Marta of her obligation to return the inheritance to the family to allow them to continue their lifestyles, believing they have earned that right.


What about Walt Thromby, the dedicated, hard-working son who is left reeling when his father refused to bequest the business to him after his death. Walt knows he has helped grow the business and thus the fortune, demonstrating signs of Workaholism to prove his worth and value to his father Harlan for decades.


Or perhaps you recognize the emotional reaction of Joni Thromby, daughter to Harlan. Joni has leaned on the contributions of Harlan as a single mother. She demonstrates Financial Dependence, which causes her to panic when hearing from Harlan that he will no longer fund her lifestyle, reporting she is now on her own.


Which leads us to Meg Thromby, daughter of Joni. Meg represents Financial Enmeshment. Her dependence on mom Joni and reliance on grandfather Harlan who pays for her schooling, is jeopardized by Harlan’s decision to stop funding her and mom’s lifestyles. As a daughter, she feels obligated to speak up and secure funding in response to reactions of stress and self-preservation in both her and mom. Joni leans on Meg to fix things by asking Marta to return the money to the family.


Last but not least is Richard Drysdale, husband to Linda. Richard has married into the family and has his own agendas throughout the movie, which we learn when it’s discovered that he has a secret relationship with another woman. This leads us to wonder if he represents Financial Infidelity in addition to Relationship Infidelity, hiding accounts or funds from his wife as part of his secret life.


Other money disorders include Hoarding, Gambling, and Compulsive Spending. Although not blatantly represented throughout the movie, these money disorders could also be contributing to the urgency and unrest of the family, which aptly categorizes this movie as a drama.


What’s coming up for you? I enjoyed this movie for the entertaining who-done-it element that kept us all on our toes the first time we watched it. Now I value it for the money exploration and self-discovery it can offer in the world of Financial Therapy. Are you ready to watch it with new eyes? Perhaps it can assist you in crafting a new relationship with money!

Khara is a contracted Financial Therapist with Financial Therapy Solutions in Denver, CO.

Learn more about Financial Therapy and work with Khara here.