
Mommy Wants Mayonnaise Must-Haves for Newborns

Check out the full series of Mommy Wants Mayonnaise: Navigating Tricky Communication and Mental Health in Motherhood here.

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Hi readers! I’m excited to share my favorite things for parents of newborns and my reasoning for why they rank in the top five must-haves! I hope these items can benefit you as much as they have our family.

#1 Towel Clips

#2 Nightlight

#3 Bathing Sponge Pad

#4 Nose Frida

#5 Burp Cloths

  1. Towel Clips–They work beautifully for clipping blankets to baby’s stroller to make quick adjustments like blocking wind and sun from baby’s face!

  2. Nightlight –A must-have for late night feedings, this soft light doesn’t force baby or your partner to fully wake from the brightness. Easy to take along for travel as well.

  3. Bathing Sponge Pad–We use this twice a day. It’s a simple, affordable way to do some basic baby hygiene without the full bath, such as washing baby’s face and hair or cleaning stuffy noses. It’s also easy to lift and store out of the way when not in use.

  4. Nose Frida–Stuffy noses are a thing in Colorado with the dryness and weather change. This is a game changer and is easy to use while being of hygienic design itself!

  5. Burp Cloths–A must-have for spit up and can serve as a comforting, transitional object in baby’s car seat while out and about. Plus, unlike other transitional objects, if you lose one, you have plenty more just like it!